Category: Monthly Posts

These Are the Monthly Blog Posts on Fire Safe

How to Choose the Appropriate Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are a crucial component of any fire safety plan, whether in a residential, commercial, or industrial setting. Not only do they provide a first line of defense against small, containable fires, but they also help in protecting lives and property until professional firefighting help can arrive. Given the diversity in types of fires and extinguishers, choosing the right one can be critical.

Types Of Fire Extinguishers For Home Use

In the case of a fire, a fire extinguisher can be an indispensable piece of equipment. They have the potential to not only preserve a house but also to save lives and reduce harm.

Holiday Fire Safety Tips

Families are occupied wrapping gifts, adorning the home, and enjoying their time together over Christmas. Unfortunately, this is the time of year when individuals are most likely to forget a crucial topic: fire safety.

Top Tips for Fire Safety

Surprisingly for many, the vitality of fire safety becomes noticeable only after a catastrophe, when it’s too late. Most households fail to understand the gravity of home fires and their homes lack proper safety measures. After all, it’s easy to get into the “it won’t happen to me” mindset. It takes seconds for a cooking accident or a fireplace to endanger families and ruin lives.

What are 5 fire safety rules?

When it comes to building planning and construction, you cannot possibly overlook fire safety. However, unless you know these measures, you might accidentally dodge these norms. While fire protection services are available in your city, it makes sense to seek professional support for installing and maintaining the fire-safety equipment.

Things You Need To Do During a Fire

Raise the Alarm for everyone — After you’ve discovered fire, you need to act quickly and raise the alarm immediately, no matter how small or big the fire is—remember that fire can develop very quickly. Then, you need to ensure everybody in the house knows about the fire. You can shout and get everyone together.

Fire Safety in Shopping Centres: Things to Be Concerned

Shopping centres have the effect of general fire protection in communal aspects surrounding. This can include service yards. However, most will pass the obligation for the shop area into the shop owners/occupiers. This can include storerooms from the shops. Normally, once you go into the confines regarding the individual shops the duty passes through the shopping centre into the individual shop. This can form section of your lease and you will certainly be in charge of ensuring compliance.

The Science of Fire

Given fire protection is the name of our game; we’re always interested in learning new facts about fire. These are not only interesting, but grow our knowledge on how to protect you better. So with winter on its way we thought, what better time to share this information with you!

Let’s talk about the science of FIRE.


Four Important Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers

A fire extinguisher is a life saving device that is able to put out a small fire and contain the incident before it escalates into an emergency. Please note, if you are not appropriately trained in the use of a fire extinguisher always call ‘triple 0’ immediately.

10 Year Replacement of Smoke Alarms NSW Fire Brigades

Most building fire fatalities occur while people are asleep. To enhance safety and minimise loss-of-life in building fires, legislation was enacted on the 1st of May 2006 requiring smoke alarms be installed in existing buildings in which people sleep.

A Fire Safety Guide To Treating Burns and Scalds

Over the years many of us have been either burnt or scalded by different home appliances or by our own complacency. There are also a lot of old wives tales that tell you all sorts of different things so we thought why not dedicate this month’s blog to treating burns and scalds.

Fire Sprinkler Systems – Water

One of the greatest life saving and property saving features of a building is the fire sprinkler system. Many people who are not associated with the fire industry knows what a fire sprinkler system is but do they really understand how this system works.

Does Your Building Have External Non Compliant Cladding Installed?

On the 25th of November 2014 the Lacosse building in Docklands, Melbourne VIC was severely damaged as a result of a fire. The fire had originally begun on a unit on the 8th floor from a suspected cigarette and within 11 minutes had spread upto the external cladding to the top floor.